The library provides textual resources regarding the venerable ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan,  may Almighty Allah be forever pleased with him.

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To the right of the book covers, you’ll find links to excerpts from these books.

If you have any book/reading suggestions that have relevant excerpts, please get in touch at z at zeshansyed dot com.

Revelation of The Mystery (Kashf-ul-Mahjub) by ‘Ali B. ‘Uthman al-Jullabi Al-Hujwiri [Data Ganj Baksh]. Trans. R. A. Nicholson, Gibb Memorial Trust, London: 1976.

Path of Blame & Pious Caliphs

Further Selections

Hadrat Othman Ghani (R.A.),
by Professor Masudul Hasan. Islamic Publications (Pvt.) Ltd., Lahore: 1996. [Coming Soon!]

Irshad: Wisdom of a Sufi Master,
by Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi, trans. Muhtar Holland. An Ashki Book of Amity House, Warwick: 1988.



From the Second Discourse

40 : “Nothing ever gave us such delight as this conversation between the Bedouin and the blessed Prophet,for we loved our Master and his Four Caliphs more than anything else.”

56 : “He is the gate of the City of Knowledge, Tolerance and Love, just as ‘Umar is the gate of the City of Justice, Abū Bakr of the City of Veracity and ‘Uthmān of the City of Modesty.

From the Third Discourse

69 : “Our Master’s ancestor, the blessed Prophet Abraham, is known as Khalīlu-llāh, meaning God’s Friend.

From the Fourth Discourse

79-83 : “Allāh, Exalted is He, then commanded this sacred bird to look to the four quarters.  When he obeyed, he saw that four lights had been created.  These were the lights of our Masters Abū Bakr the Veracious, ‘Umar the Discriminator, ‘Uthmān and ‘Alī, may Allāh be pleased with them all.

93 : “for the sake of the merit of ‘Uthman and ‘Ali

From the Seventh Discourse

137-139 : “As the venerable Uthmān of the Double Light* said:….”

From the Eighth Discourse

152-156 : “For the sake of … the modesty of ‘Uthmān….”

From the Twelfth Discourse

238-242 : “A Rāfidī is a schismatic who hates the venerable Abū Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthmān, and who dares to pretend that he thereby proves his love for our master ‘Ali the elect. 

From the Fifteenth Discourse

305-306 : “It was on a Friday that our Master, the Messenger of Messengers, the Beloved of the Almighty, won a victory over the unbelievers of Quraysh at Badr; Islam was saved on a Friday. 

311-315 : “Friday is the Chief of Days.  There is a moment on Friday when prayers are not rejected.  We are told by the Masters of mystical knowledge that the moment in question occurs during the time when the sermon is being preached. 

From the Sixteenth Discourse

332-333 : “It once happened that the venerable ‘Uthmān waited till after the Festival prayers before giving  his Ramadān alms to the poor. 

From the Seventeenth Discourse

349-350 : “Noah is not the proper name of the venerable Prophet, but a nickname. 

354 : “The Glorious Lord mentioned to the venerable Moses some of the bounties He had granted the Community of Muhammad:….”

From the Eighteenth Discourse

359-360 : “For the Holy Qur’ān is like an eye given to us by Allāh.

From the Nineteenth Discourse

387-388 : “Spiritual Insight of the Venerable ‘Uthmān

393 and 394 : “ii.             Love and respect all the Companions of the Messenger of the Lord of All Worlds.  Thus they love and respect Abū   Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmān and ‘Alī, each and everyone of them.

396 : “It should be carefully noted that even the venerable ‘Ā’isha lies buried not in the Resting Place but in the Garden of the Grove, where the third Caliph, ‘Uthmān of the Double Light, is likewise interred…

From the Twenty-First Discourse

432 : “For the venerable Abraham, Nimrod’s fire turned to light. / For friends of Allāh, the Fire becomes a rose garden.

435-436 : ““O Muhammad,” said Abū Jahl mockingly, “are you really a prophet?”  The glorious Messenger took the question seriously and replied with dignity: “Yes, I am a Messenger; I am a Prophet.”  At this, that profligate crew began to scoff with impudent sarcasm: “How can you be a prophet?  You may have gathered a few followers, but they are not rich and enlightened people like my friends.…”

453 : ““My beloved, I have made the whole world a mosque.  Those who frequent the mosques, I have made immune to My fire.  I shall make the mosques serve as arks until the Resurrection, then I shall use them to carry your Community across the Bridge over Hell.”

456 : “Gabriel said to me: ‘O Messenger of Allāh, would you not like to see the source of these rivers?’  When I said: ‘Yes’, the dome opened up.  Inscribed within it was the sentence: Bismillāhi’r-rahmāni’r-rahīm / In the Name of Allāh, All-Merciful and Compassionate.

458-459 : “The Glorified and Exalted Lord then said to our Master: “O Ahmad, to beware of doubt is the beginning and end of religion.  Worship has ten parts: eating lawful food accounts for nine of those parts and silence is the other.  I develop the hearts of those who observe silence, while I wreck the hearts of those who talk too much.  Do you know the reward due to a servant of Mine if he fasts and keeps silent to please Me?”

460-461 : ““My beloved, let me tell you about the joy of faith, then you tell My servants!  Let them fast and refrain from too much talk.  Let them prefer silence.  Let their hearts be one.  Let them fear Me and love you.  If they behave like this, they will discover the joy of faith.  If they act in this way, they will be safe from My torment.”

From the Twenty-Second

487-488 : “Shaqīq of Balkh had a daughter, the loveliest lady in all the land.…”

From the Twenty-Third Discourse


505-513* A lover cannot attain his goal unless he embraces the renunciation of Ad’ham, the abstinence of Junayd, the wisdom of Abū Yazīd and the love of Mevlānā.

From the Twenty-Fourth Discourse

519 : “The venerable ‘Uthmān of the Two Lights once said….”

524 : “The venerable ‘Ā’isha, the Mother of the Believers, was once asked to describe the blessed Messenger of Allāh.  “Read the Qur’ān,” she replied.

From the Twenty-Fifth Discourse

536-543 : “The Ruler Who Sought The Mysterious Khidr

544-545 : “The Umayyad dynasty produced two rightly guided Caliphs.

From the Twenty-Fifth Discourse

568 : “Numbered among those who have pressed their blessed faces against the revered Ka’ba are: … ‘Uthmān, whose modesty made the angels jealous [“envious”? -ed]; ….”

572-575 : “When the Messenger of Allāh hears that he is the first to be gathered up, he will set the blessed crown upon his headas he asks Gabriel: “My brother Gabriel, where is my Friend of the Cave?  Where are my Companions and Helpers?  Where are Abu Bākr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmān and ‘Alī?

From the Twenty-Seventh Discourse

581 : “Arise and perform the prayer of Night Vigil [tahajjud]….”


From the Thirtieth Discourse

638 : ““O Husayn,” he pleaded, “I swear by Allāh that you are likely to be slain like the venerable ‘Uthman in the midst of your own family.”

From the Thirty-First Discourse


From the Thirty-Third Discourse

675 : “Factious discord broke out even in the time of the third Caliph, ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Affān.

679-680 : “The supreme example is our blessed Master, the venerable Muhammad Mustafā, Chief of the Prophets and Messenger to men and jinn, who used to pray: “My God, for the sake of my Community I would sacrifice my self, my Fātima, my ‘Ā’isha, my dear grandsons Hasan and Husayn, my Ruqayya, my Zaynab, my Ibrāhīm, my Qāsim, my ‘Abdullāh and my Tayyib.”